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Combined V02 Max & Lactate Threshold Assessment

Combined V02 Max & Lactate Threshold Assessment



Combined V02 Max & Lactate Threshold Assessment


Detailed Description

The Lactate Threshold Assessment is 90 minutes.

This includes:

  • Initial consultation
  • Health screening
  • Lactate threshold assessment
  • Detailed pdf report containing:


  • Identify the two distinct transition points
  • Lactate and anaerobic threasholds
  • Set accurate training zones for easy/steady tempo/threashold and V02 Max intervals
  • Measure training adaptions after a training intervention
  • Assess substrate utilisation at different intensities to help set fueling strategies
  • Identify race pace to allow for more informed pacing strategies
  • Identify and monitor individual's ability to perform sustained exercise at given intensities

To book please contact Simon Cushman- [email protected] / 01270 625131.

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